
Gia - 2006-01-01 05:31:37
Sincerity is always valued but alas seldom found.
candoor - 2006-01-01 05:43:27
you deserve so much better, as does the city of New Orleans and the entire south... political corruption and cronyism exists everywhere, but having lived in all parts of this country except the northwest, I can say through first hand observation and experience that the worst of the corruption and cronyism exists in the south (though perhaps Washington matches it)... all through this life I wished people cared more about themselves, those around them, and the world... I've become desensitized to the ambivalence and apathy and even empowered these traits that once railed against my core... hopefully I'll remember who I am and be me better before I leave this life... I cheer your words, your sincerity, your dedication to exploring and exposing the facts of life in our culture... I hope 2006 is infinitely better than 2005 for you... bless you, sir...
Lela - 2006-01-01 10:14:50
It's a shame that the corrupt corporate media has forgotten about New Orleans. It's also a shame that people will not stand up for what is right and not fear punishment or otherwise. It's time for a new revolution in this state. I think about you always and often, and I hope that you're in good spirits despite your situation. God bless you for staying so strong.
Gia - 2006-01-01 14:52:01
Clicked your banner dude. :-) I KNEW it was you!
Gia - 2006-01-01 14:56:44
I've seen both of yours and everyone else's twice but mine once. Damn.
Halcyon - 2006-01-03 01:40:03
Gia rocks!!

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