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"Men give me credit for some genius. All the genius I have lies in this; when I have a subject in hand, I study it profoundly. Day and night it is before me. My mind becomes pervaded with it. Then the effort that I have made is what people are pleased to call the fruit of genius. It is the fruit of labor and thought."
-- Alexander Hamilton
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09 November, 2004 - "9-11 for 11-9"


This Day in History:

1609- Henry Hudson became the first European to set foot on Manhattan Island. Manhatten would become the foundation in the world's economy, the working place of millions, the pinnacle of wealth in the free world.

1773- There never was a good war or bad peace."--Benjamin Franklin

1777- The original Stars and Stripes were carried into battle for the very first time led by General George Washington at the Battle of Brandywine.

1786- Convention of Annapolis opens, Alexander Hamilton proposed a future meeting to address the problems of the Articles of Confederation. That gathering would be the Constitutional Convention in which Hamilton played a prominent role as an advocate of a strong central government.

1789- General Alexander Hamilton was appointed by U.S. President George Washington to be the first secretary of the treasury.
Hamilton established the administrative and policy foundations of the new government, articulated a philosophy of "loose construction" of the Constitution and is credited as being America's greatest constitutional lawyer, as well as founding the American economic system. He is remembered as one who had devoted his life to the nation's growth in freedom and prosperity. On Wall Street in New York he is regarded as their Patron Saint.

1921- British mandate of Palestine begins.

1941- Construction begins on the PENTAGON.

1948- Muhammad Ali Jinnah the founding father of Pakistan dies.

1971- September 11th is New Years Day in the ancient Egyptian Coptic Christian calendar. That the day is still special is reflected by the fact that Egypt ratified its current constitution on that same exact date in 1971. The week of 9/11 is the same week of the Camp David Accords, in which peace between Israel and Egypt occurred in 1978, though the official signing was on March 26, 1979.

1973- President Salvador Allende of Chile is illegally assassinated and his country taken over by a United States backed coup which led to thousands being murdered for political purposes.

1990- "Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective - a new world order - can emerge"--President George H. W. Bush

2001-"On this International Day of Peace, let us dare to imagine a world free of conflict and violence."--United Nations Ambassador General Kofi Annan to commemorate UN International Peace Day. Later that same day in the United States, four airliners were hijacked and intentionally crashed by terrorists later linked to Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda organization. Two airliners hit New York City's World Trade Center towers; both towers collapsed shortly thereafter. A third airliner 'apparently' hit the Pentagon building in Washington, DC, and a fourth crashed into a field in Pennsylvania when passengers bravely attempted to overtake the terrorists onboard. That plane's target destination was not known, but it was widely believed to be en route to Washington, DC. In all, over 3,000 died.

Now it is three years later.... 2004

Today people will mourn, make speeches and cry as they pay tribute to all those casulties of 9-11-01. But when will "We The People" educate ourselves as to what happened and why?

Here is a site with a timeline of events, 9/11/01 timeline, and much much more, 9/11/01 homepage.

*click* for interview with Richard Clarke

I recommend reading retired counter-terrorism Advisor Richard Clarke's book "Against All Enemies: Inside America's War on Terror" and a videotaped interview of Richard Clarke prior to 9-11-01 on Charlie Rose's PBS televison series is a real eye opener, as Osama bin Laden is discussed (1999). There are also two others for sale, one regarding his book and another interview from 2003.

There is much more out there and let us not for forget 2-26-93 and the terrorist plans of Ramsey Yousef. Nor should we shoot first and not ask questions as Ann Coulter has suggested. That "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity" and "We don't need a "commission" to find out how 9-11 happened." Well Ann the last thing the world needs is another Crusades and what everyone does need is PEACE and PROSPERITY! Ann Coulter and the various media know-it-all's make a living off of hate and breeding fear, not truth. Now is the time if your a Republican to listen to Democrats and if your a Democrat to listen to Republicans so each side can understand one another better. Besides there is more than just two sides in America. Anyone ever hear of the Libertarian Party (which is anti-big government and pro-sound economics)? What about all those not affliated with a political propoganda machine? Take this political quiz to educate yourselves.

So what is going on in the Middle East? Why are people so upset? Why would Ramsey Yousef and Osama bin Laden do this? What is going on?WHY? WHO? WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? HOW?

Why did Ramsey Yousef, whom came up with the idea of ramming planes into the World Trade Center Towers and the Pentagon in a coordinated attack via hijackings say the following in court?

~"You keep talking also about collective punishment and killing innocent people to force governments to change their policies; you call this terrorism when someone would kill innocent people or civilians in order to force the government to change its policies. Well, when you were the first one who invented this terrorism. You were the first one who killed innocent people, and you are the first one who introduced this type of terrorism to the history of mankind when you dropped an atomic bomb which killed tens of thousands of women and children in Japan and when you killed over a hundred thousand people, most of them civilians, in Tokyo with fire bombings. You killed them by burning them to death. And you killed civilians in Vietnam with chemicals as with the so-called Orange agent. You killed civilians and innocent people, not soldiers, innocent people every single war you went. You went to wars more than any other country in this century, and then you have the nerve to talk about killing innocent people. And now you have invented new ways to kill innocent people. You have so-called economic embargo which kills nobody other than children and elderly people, and which other than Iraq you have been placing the economic embargo on Cuba and other countries for over 35 years... The government in its summations and opening said that I was a terrorist. Yes, I am a terrorist and I am proud of it. And I support terrorism so long as it was against the United States Government and against Israel, because you are more than terrorists; you are the one who invented terrorism and using it every day. You are butchers, liars and hypocrites."~

*click the pic*

We need to investigate why all this is happening. What was and still is our foreign policy that was right and what was wrong? Only a fool would believe the CIA's assassination�s over the years would not come back to haunt us. We have meddled with other people around the world for years. There is a thing called blowback and it's a bitch. Mohandas K. Gandhi said "An eye for eye will make the whole world blind", how true. We must put an end to this violent cycle of bloodshed once and for all. Now we must open our eyes and investigate. We need to seek the truth and there is no path to truth. We need only realize and not believe the propaganda the demagogues feed us as if we were a nation of sheep. Now is the time to dispel ignorance and intolerance.

Here is something I picked up and copied into here as it is too good to pass up:

Everyone should read Scot J. Paltrow's important Wall Street Journal article. Then ask yourself whether you respect the Bush/Cheney Administration's decision not to cooperate fully with the 9-11 Commission.

Speaking of President George W. Bush, let's look at just one of Paltrow's examples of an inconsistency in the official accounts of that day. He wrote the following: Shortly after a passenger jet crashed into the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001, Air Force Gen. Richard Myers raced back to the military headquarters from a meeting on Capitol Hill. The four-star general, acting head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff that day, went directly to the Pentagon's command center. With smoke spreading into the cavernous room, he ordered the officer in charge, Major General W. Montague Winfield, to raise the military's alert status to Defcon III, the highest state of readiness since the 1973 Arab-Israeli war.

That account is based on interviews with Gen. Winfield and a former White House official. In the months after Sept. 11, President Bush had a different public explanation about who put the military on high alert. The president said publicly at least twice that he gave the order. During a town-hall meeting in Orlando on Dec. 4, 2001, Mr. Bush said that after the attacks, "one of the first acts I did was to put our military on alert."

Regarding Mr. Bush's statements that he had ordered troops to a higher alert status himself, Mr. Bartlett said the president provided a "description that the public could understand" and spoke in "broad strokes." General Myers and the Pentagon declined to comment. Imagine for a second just what the right-wing media in this country would be doing to former President Bill Clinton if he tried something similar. This is not nitpicking. The public easily can understand that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs made the order. It is absurd and insulting to assume otherwise. Either President Bush made the order or he did not. Perhaps he can take a little time away from his fundraising to explain himself. Then again, this is just the latest example illuminating where this president's priorities really are."

Ask yourselves this, if the police department was notified and believed a murderous plot was being carried out and did nothing. Then after that they used the murders for their own political and financial gain. Would this not be utterly evil and contemptible? Would they not be held accountable in some part just as the murderers themselves for their gross misconduct? Who has taken accountability? We know the Bush administration has repeatedly lied. Now the question is what will we the American public do about it?

Think about it and remember even Nixon was pardoned and got away free. The system of checks and balnaces has been destroyed.. corrupted. Finally 9-11 is one of the biggest news stories in American history, yet there are still zero investigative news stories by the major media into why this occurred. Bob Woodward? Nope.. Peter Lance did but he was ignored and he's independent. No wonder...

Here are a few parting quotes:

"We either learn to live together like [human beings] or we die together like fools."--Martin Luther King Jr.

"I have learned through bitter experience the one supreme lesson to conserve my anger, and as heat conserved is transmitted into energy, even so our anger controlled can be transmitted into a power that can move the world."--Mohandas K. Gandhi

"The lesson we should take from 9-11 is that the government cannot protect us. It is utterly inept, and no changes in policy as recommended by a commission of present or ex-government officials are going to change that."--Lew Rockwell

�Patriotism, like religion, meets people�s need for something greater to which their individual lives can be anchored... America�s state religion, [is] patriotism, a phenomenon which has convinced many of the citizenry that �treason� is morally worse than murder or rape.�--William Blum

"The battle has moved to inside America.... I tell you, freedom and human rights in America are doomed. The U.S. Government will lead the American people � and the West in general � into an unbearable hell and a choking life."--Osama bin Laden, after 9-11

Before I go I ask anyone reading this to review two past entries, one on the Bush administration's policies and another on the history of the American political system. Also one can just read the quotes in my profile.


Click the following for an interview of art spiegelman about 9/11 and his book 'IN THE SHADOW OF NO TOWERS':

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